Our Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy, but we do have to collect data. Therefore, we promise to use your data responsibly. We are accountable for our collection and use of your personal information.

What data do we collect?

When you visit our website, we collect anonymous data in order to check which pages on the website are popular. We collect user information from you when you make a request for contact so that we may contact you. We do not collect or have access to data you provide when you make an online payment to us via Paypal.

How do we use your data?

We save your contact information in a database that is not accessible from the website. We do not sell or share your data with anyone.

If there's a breach

If hackers steal data from us, we promise to notify all of our customers as soon as we know about the breach.

If you break the law

If you use our services to do something illegal, then you have broken the terms of service, and we will no longer guarantee your privacy. However, we promise to require proof, and not take the word of any government entity, corporation, or individual who -- without proof -- makes an accusation.


We promise to tell you about any major changes to this privacy policy directly, through an e-mail, if you have provided us with your email address. We promise to describe the changes in plain English. Because e-mail addresses may change and because e-mails may be missed, we suggest you check here, from time-to-time, to see if there has been an update.

"This is not an NDA" clause

Unlike some of our competitors, we do not say that you lost your freedom of speech by reading this web page.

Challenging compliance

A customer shall be able to address a challenge concerning compliance with the policy.


This policy was originally posted on Oct 1, 2012. It was last updated on Oct 1, 2012.